たくさん おぼえて かしこさアップ


●However + 形容詞[副詞] + S + V(譲歩);
 However ( I / walked / hard ), I couldn't catch up with him.
●whatever + 節;
 Take (    ) measures are considered best.

●A is to B what C is to D; AのBに対する関係はCのDに対する関係と同じである。
 Rice is to Asians (     ) wheat is to Europeans.

 Friendship is to People (     ) sunshine is to flowers.

●that には前置詞をつけない;
 The bed I slept in last night wasn't very comfortable.
 =The bed in which I slept last night wasn't very comfortable.

●what S is 「現在のS」;
 He has made me what I am today.