たくさん おぼえて かしこさアップ


仮定法過去・過去完了 問題
 If 主語+{過去、were}...,
 If I lived in Kyoto, I could visit many temples every day.

 If I weren't at work now, I could go out with you.

 If I were a man, I would have loved her.

 If I won the lottery, I would quit my job.

 If 主語+{過去完了形}...,
 If I had known him, I would have introduced him to you.

●were to; 実現可能性に関係なく、いろいろな仮定に用いる。
 If the sun weren't to shine, no living things could exist.

 If you were to write a book, what would it be about?

●「万一」のshouldを用いた条件節; 可能性が乏しい仮定に用いる。
 If you should forget your passport, you would have to return home.

●if の省略; were, had, should に限り倒置して用いる。
 Were it not for water, nothing could live.
 = If it were not for water, nothing could live.

 Should you change your mind, let me know.
 = If you should change your mind, let me know.

 Had it not been for his help, I wouldn't have been able to do it.
 = If it had not been for his help, I wouldn't have been able to do it.

●if の代用
 To hear him talk, you would think that he is wise.
 = If you were to hear him talk, you would think that he is wise.
 With a little more money, I could buy another coat.

 ・I wish
 I wish I could cook more delicious food.
 I wish it were Christmas every day.

 ・If only !
 If only I were healthy!

●要求、提案、命令のthat節 <英>should,<米>仮定法現在
 ・require, suggest, order,など
 <英>He required that Jim should give a speech.
 <米>He required that Jim give a speech. (gives としない。)

 ・necessary, desireble,など
 <英>It is necessary that rice should be stored.
 <米>It is necessary that rice be stored.

●It is time 構文;もうそろそろ〜してもよいころだ
 It is time we left.

●as if ..., as though ... 構文;
 ・仮定法過去; その時点で「まるで〜のように」
 He talks as if he were seeing the sight.

 ・仮定法過去完了; その時点より以前に「まるで〜したかのように」
 He is feeling as if he had had a terrible nightmare.

  − 現在の事実に反する場合;If it were not for 〜
 If it were not for water, nothing could live.

 = But for water, nothing could live.
 = Without water, nothing could live.
  − 過去の事実に反する場合;If it had not been for 〜
 If it had not been for his help, I wouldn't have been able to do it.

 = But for his help, I wouldn't have been able to do it.
 = Without his help, I wouldn't have been able to do it.

●仮定法の then - now;
 ・If 節は過去; 過去完了 + then (at that time)
  帰結節は現在; would, could + now
 If I had worked harder then, I would have a car now.